Is your brand holding you back? Take our 2 minute quiz. BRAND ASSESSMENT QUIZ

Stories are best told by the
who have lived them.

Kasada sq

Neil Cohen

Kasada, Chief Marketing Officer

“Rebranding is a risky endeavor for a CMO. Get it right and you’re a hero. Get it wrong, and you’re… in trouble. Fortunately, I chose Focus Lab for our B2B rebrand project and I couldn’t be happier. Sure, they’re experts at branding. But they are also experts at taking their clients along for the journey with a proven process.

They helped me avoid pitfalls like design by consensus. I respect that they always told me what I needed to hear versus just telling me what I wanted to hear. The project outcome was much better as a result.

When I introduced the new brand to the company, the reactions were overwhelmingly positive. “It feels just like us and something we can all rally behind” is what I heard consistently. Focus Lab captured the essence of who we are, and what we’re about with a bold visual identity and narrative. We could never have done this on our own. It has helped our business in many ways and we’ve never looked back. Highly recommended without hesitation.”

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Kylie Whitehead

PolyAI, Senior Director of Marketing / Brand

“Thank you so much for all of your hard work on this project. Everybody we've shown it to absolutely loves it. I have no doubt that this will further establish us as a major player in voice AI. You've been a dream to work with!”

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Marissa Homère

Irwin, VP of Marketing

“Focus Lab painstakingly explored every part of Irwin, and their team was patient, strategic, and curious enough to build a brand that embodies who we really are. Working with two ex-agency marketers was no small feat, but they challenged us and were stewards in surfacing what makes Irwin, well, Irwin.”

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Palmer Houchins

G2, Head of Marketing

“When you plot the venn diagram of brand, B2B, and SaaS, Bill Kenney and the Focus Lab team are at the rarified center of it all.”

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Janice Oh

HireGuide, Head of Marketing

“You guys have been arguably the best [when it came to structure]. We always felt like we were on the same page. We really felt like you guys understood us. Working with you guys is a new standard, I can’t live the other way anymore!”

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Alessandro Desantis

Nebulab, Partner + Chief Strategist

“The collaboration with Focus Lab has been nothing short of amazing, and I hope we’ll get the chance to work together again.”


Rebekka Kuhn

Nutshell, Creative Director

“There are tons of branding agencies out there who could do a great job, but a project like this comes down to a relationship and an understanding of our brand. [...] Focus Lab understood very specifically what we were looking for and weren’t trying to nudge us in any particular direction that we weren't quite ready to take.”


Casey Carey

Quantive, Chief Marketing Officer

“If your rebrand is a BFD, then you can't afford to not use Focus Lab.”

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Brad Stell

ASAPP, VP Product Design

“A note to say thank you as we close [on a] partnership that resulted in something as innovative as it is befitting. We knew from the beginning this wasn’t going to be a simple ask, but you’ve somehow managed to capture the essence of this complex and evolving company.”

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Cindy Curtin Knezevich

Salesloft, SVP Brand and Communications

“We couldn't have asked for a better brand partner than the Focus Lab team! Thank you all for your incredible work and inspiring us to be bold and tell our story in an authentic way. We are Focus Lab fans for life!”

Todd Ross Nienkerk, CEO and co-founder of Four Kitchens

Todd Ross Nienkerk

Four Kitchens, CEO and Co-Founder

“Our partnership with Focus Lab has been (and continues to be) among the most successful and rewarding I've experienced in my 17 years at Four Kitchens. Thank you all for everything.”

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Dan Owen

Netflix, Global Director of Creative and Branding

“I now understand why Focus Lab came so highly recommended. I've never had such super-serving from a vendor in my entire life.”

Humberto Ayres Pereira, co-founder of Rows

Humberto Ayres Pereira

Rows, Founder + CEO

“One of the best investments that I've made ever in part of running a startup. And this is my fourth time.”

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Sarah Kennedy Ellis

Marketo, CMO

“I couldn't be more proud to have Focus Lab as our trusted partners in all things related to our brand. #FocusLab4Life”

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David Simon

Luminate, SVP Marketing

“I just read the story of Luminate. It is beautifully illustrated and expertly annotated, with page-turner chapters on where we have been, where we are headed and how we will change the world. It is a map and a diary. It is simultaneously aspirational and true.

It will be used as a cookbook for the many who will touch this brand, so they can invent with us with a calibrated palate and in the flavors we feel best reflect our perspective.

For me, it's a string around my finger. Maybe a tattoo. Because although it is expansive in its careful and colorful description of Luminate, every element reminds me of the many conversations, the thoughtful debates, the thousands of things discarded so we could find what we would ultimately keep. It reminds me of the time and effort and heart and commitment you all made to bringing us here.

It is beautiful work and we thank you for it.

The line between artist and art is ethereal. You are a team of exceptionally skilled artists, but your superpower is the way you open your process to allow others in. You invited us to contribute as you created. Like a troop of improvisational art school MBA's, you fed off suggestions while guiding the efforts. You also made it so much more fun than it had any right to be. I'll attribute that to your being such a great bunch of people to spend time with, who all take genuine pleasure in what you do.

Thank you for everything you have taught us about ourselves and for allowing us to get to know you along the way.”

Testimonial philiplakin

Philip Lakin

Co-Founder & CEO, NoCodeOps

“I still get one founder a month asking who did our branding work. IT IS JUST SO GOOD. Y’all are seriously the best and a 100% played a part [in our acquisition by Zapier]. To the moon!”

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Emery Wells, CEO

“I love our new branding. Now that it's out in the wild and we've started replacing it everywhere, it just feels like the brand we've always wanted to represent ourselves to the world. I wouldn't hesitate to work with Focus Lab again.”

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Kent Siri

Reify Health, VP of Marketing

“Establishing a brand that is equal parts human and enterprise-class in a saturated industry is no simple feat. We knew that going into this project. But Focus put forth a team and process that immediately laid our anxieties to rest. Their capacity to translate the complexities of our mission, identity, and value prop into a beautiful, clean, and meaningful identity was simply outstanding. I could not be happier with the result.”

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Matt Powell

Bitwise, President + CEO

“Almost as a byproduct of not feeling really great about our brand, we didn’t share it as widely as we wanted to. Now that we have all this confidence to go out and hit the circuit, as it were, we’re hearing from a lot of people that we didn’t hear from for a long time. Having a brand that feels really good, and being able to get the feedback, and to be able to actually push on and grow this company. I just feel like it was such a hurdle for a while.”

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Sergio Claudio

Zuora, VP Brand Experience

“What I’ve found over the years in brand transformation work is that branding is as much about internal transformation as it is external. While the Focus Lab team excels creatively, the real magic comes through in the partnership and process of working through the challenging discussions and continuous iterations that it takes to get to the best outcome.”

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Sydney Sloan

Salesloft, CMO

“You told us we would go on a journey together. It was the most delightful, creative and collaborative team I could have wished for! Thanks to your entire team for the incredible work! You are all part of the Lofter family!”

Elizabeth Hague

Elizabeth Hague

Very, Head of Brand and Demand Marketing

“I can’t thank you enough for building such a positive, healthy agency. You and your crew are exactly the people I always want to work with. I implicitly trust you all and shout your names from every rooftop I can find.”

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Taylor Otwell

Laravel, CEO

“I’m thrilled with the branding Focus Lab provided Laravel. They are true professionals with an amazing attention to detail. Their passion for quality throughout the design process was inspiring and refreshing.”

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Skylar Anderson

Aptible, VP of Design

“Partnering with Focus Lab and investing in our brand so early in our journey has been one of the best decisions we’ve made at Aptible. I can’t tell you how frequently it comes up--recruiting prospects...sales calls...applicants for open positions. Our brand and voice are almost always mentioned as having a positive impact. We stand out. On a personal level, I really loved working with your team--I miss the creative energy. On a business level, the outcomes were more than any of us had hoped.”

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Dan Sheetz, Jr.

Tighten, CEO

“The results were fantastic, and the process was a joy. I can't wait for an excuse to work with y'all again!”

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Charley Todd

Ted Todd Insurance, CEO

“Focus Lab took our branding to another level. Their team is incredible. There's nothing like the feeling of being excited and proud to show off your new brand. All of the deliverables that were promised went well beyond our expectations. But more than all the actual work that was done for our agency, the process of collaborating with the experts at Focus Labs is what I valued the most. They're at the top of their fields but they're also down to earth. Working with them, it really felt like they were part of our family business.”

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Ken Babcock

Tango, Co-Founder

“We wanted to work with a partner who would be able to help us set the foundation, and [have] a holistic view of what our brand could be. And, being that we’re so early, it would be a brand that could scale itself. That was a big thing that we thought about too, which partner is actually going to help us get to a point where we can scale the brand.”

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Michael Transon

Victorious, CEO

“It was a pleasure working with you guys, [...] I feel like there's a lot of affinity between our people and that's always really enjoyable and it makes work fun. And I liked that it's always great to chat with you guys and work through design iterations and feedback and I felt like we did a really good job towing the line between having fun, but never compromising on what we thought was good quality and where we all wanted to go. Very excited and in the best possible way, I hope we never have to work with you again because the branding is so good.”

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Ted Boda

Udacity, Director of Design

“Focus Lab is one of the best design agencies I’ve worked with not only on a professional level, but personality wise as well.”

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Laura Adelman

Bluewave Solar, Senior Director of Marketing Operations

“We looked to Focus Lab because we thought they could execute better on a vision than we could ourselves. We couldn’t have asked for anything more.”

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David Chevalier

Surfe, CEO

“The new brand identity is stunning, from strategy to design we always felt completely right with you. And we already received so much positive feedback.”

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Tom Hacquoil

Pinpoint, CEO

“I had very high expectations going into the project - needless to say these were met and then some. Focus Lab engaged our whole team in the brand and messaging process, got to grips with our business quickly and delivered a brand we’re really proud of.”


Taylor Kinser

Very, Art Director

“We could not have hit the ground running without [the mindset of a usable design system] and delivery of assets from you all! It empowered us to get creative and start working on future content even prior to our launch. Still talk about how much of a stellar experience working with Focus Lab was. Thanks!”

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Craig Clark

Galvanize, CMO

“The successful teamwork here was pretty near and dear to my heart. Today, we’re smugly looking down the barrel of a damn successful rebrand. We started off on the right foot and never took that foot off the gas pedal.”


Craig James

Lookback, CDO

“This project felt like a true collaboration and we've enjoyed both the process and the output. I especially want to thank the team for taking us on in a lean fashion. [...] Fantastic results.”

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Brian Price

Kion, President and CEO

“Prior to working with Focus, we went through a rough patch with many marketing agencies that just didn't get our business, and dumbed down our value to very basic, indistinguishable areas. They single handedly restored my faith in working with outside marketing agencies and we couldn't have been happier with the results!”

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Britta Schellenberg

Robin, VP of Marketing

“So much love for the Focus Lab team. You guided us, advised us, challenged us, supported us. We could not have done this without you.”


Karen Budell

Totango, Chief Marketing Officer

“I have led and been a part of A LOT of rebrands in my career, and I can honestly say without hesitation this one is THE BEST and the one I'm most proud of. Thanks for pushing us to choose something bold ... LOVE where we landed.”