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Content Marketing Specialist

Shannon Walter

Shannon is constantly balancing a love of free-flowing creativity with a primal need for strategy, analytics, and organization. *Content Marketing enters the chat.*

Born and raised in Northwest Indiana, Shannon has been curating fake company newsletters at her office (i.e., the kitchen table), hitting the borrowing limit at the library, and authoring book reports no one asked her to write since she was 7 years old. Her passion for reading, writing, and creating content has not slowed since.

Having received her degree in rhetoric and composition whilst developing self-taught design skills along the way, she has spent time in a wide array of marketing and design roles (everything from graphic designer to running a print production department). More recently, she found that content marketing perfectly combined her love of words, design, and analytical thinking.

When not plugged into her work, you will find Shannon either devouring a new book, attending any event with live music, or dominating on the kickball field (with other adults, to be clear).

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