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The Debrief

The Impact of B2B Branding with Bob Moore

by Bill Kenney

To date, Crossbeam's Bob Moore has founded three companies, all centered around data engineering. Bob was originally a non-believer when it came to the power of a strong brand, but after his first brand project with Focus Lab, Bob had a change of heart. Enough so that he wrote the forward for Bill Kenney's recent book, Conquer Your Rebrand. Shortly after the book launched, Bill and Bob sat down to discuss his multiple experiences with Focus Lab and Bob's inspiring forward.

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0:00 - Intro

5:58 - How did you know it was time to rebrand?

7:15 - Discussing Bob Moore's brand conversion

26:20 - What did you find most challenging in the rebrand effort?

31:07 - What was the most rewarding part of the rebrand work through the lens of a founder?

37:10 - Discussing the ROI of a strong brand

41:30 - Why does investing in brand matter?

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